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How to Respond to the Unexpected and Unknown
As an unmarried woman in a shame-based culture, Mary may have felt joy, anxiety, and many other emotions as she anticipated the birth of her first child, Jesus. How did she respond to unexpected changes in her life?
Don’t Let a Life Crisis Become a Crisis of Faith
Life is filled with times when things don’t seem to go like we hoped or planned. Mary the mother of Jesus knew all about unexpected and life-changing news. But wait! This isn’t just about Christmas! Mary’s response sets an example for us to follow every day of the year.
God’s Devoted Followers Don’t Always Trust Him
Knowing God and serving God are not the same as trusting Him. Even His most devoted followers can find themselves uncertain and doubting. Supernatural situations require supernatural faith.
3 World Leaders Prepared the Way for Jesus
Who prepared the way for Jesus? Your first thought may be John the Baptist, and you wouldn’t be wrong, but God was making preparations hundreds of years earlier through political rulers who knew nothing of his plans.
A Psalm of Thanksgiving to God
Giving thanks to God shouldn’t be limited just one day a year! Some scholars say one of the Psalm 136 was sung every day in the temple. Find out what it meant to ancient Hebrews and what it means to us today.
Choosing to Move Beyond Fear
Fear can be a roadblock that keeps us stuck. Leave fear behind and open the door to God’s blessings.
God Can Restore What Is Lost
God extravagantly restores what a hopeless orphan lost. Part 2 of 3 based on 2 Samuel 9.
When You’re Invited to Trade Shame for Grace
2 Samuel 9 tells the story of Mephibosheth, Saul’s grandson. Learn about the back story of the characters, and see a loving God who offers grace to one who feels worthless. Part 1 of 3 based on 2 Samuel 9.
7 Tips to Grow Thankful Kids in a Gimme World
Tired of hearing complaining? These 7 habits will awaken and grow gratitude in a child’s heart.
3 Reasons You’re Confused When You Read the Bible
Does the Bible feel like a complicated math equation? Here are three reasons why and some ways to solve the problem.