Meet Joy
I can’t remember life without God or His Word. From a young age, I knew God answered prayers, and I loved to carry my Bible with a picture of Jesus and children on the cover and my name on the inside.
When I was twelve, I committed my life to Christ, and I was baptized. From that moment, I read and studied the Bible, but I was often frustrated that so much of it didn’t make sense.
Recently, my study of scripture expanded to locations, languages, and culture of passages, which was like reading the Bible with 3D glasses! I saw God’s fingerprints of love on every page.
I want to share with you my glasses and my excitement! When we experience the Bible as the original listeners did, God’s love shines brightly. When you know the Light, you can be the light.

Behind the Scenes
Our Story
As a college student in PA, I visited my grandma in VA during Christmas break. At church,I was captivated by Harold, the worship leader who led us in “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” followed by “Joy to the World.”
That day, I knew Harold would be my husband. Ten months later we were engaged, and next year we will celebrate our 35th anniversary. We almost didn’t make it to year 8, but our faith gave us strength to love. Today, we are more in love than ever!
Our People
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a wife and mom. We are so blessed that God gave us four precious daughters. For 20 challenging but joyous years, we homeschooled all four girls from K-12.
Our girls are all adults now, doing amazing things they didn’t learn from me! Our family has grown to include an exchange-student daughter and son we hosted during their high school years, and two sons (in-love). Our kids are family, but also dear friends.

Our Experiences
For 30-plus years, Harold has used his unique skills and gift-mix to serve businesses, ministries, and churches. Currently, he works for a national ministry with an amazing team and produces our podcast.
My work has been a bit more diverse: elementary music teacher before becoming a mama, then a homeschool mom, and private piano teacher.
Since 2001, we have created and published discipleship resources for parents, speaking at events under the names Daughters 4 God and MAP THE NEXT.
Our Purpose
Our passion is to help people encounter God by understanding the Bible as the original listeners did—not just to gain knowledge, but to see God’s redeeming love woven throughout the Old and New Testaments.
We hope that hearing the Bible in context will encourage and inspire you to apply the ancient truths to your 21st century life.
The Bible can seem complicated. But for us, God and His Word have been been truth and life, hope and healing, peace and freedom. We believe it will be that for you, too.