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16: God Sees Us in Our Darkest Moments – Genesis 16 Part 3
Can God really see what’s going on in our lives? This last episode in our Genesis 16 series tells two stories--one from the Bible and one from my personal life—that both show God’s supernatural ability to see us in our messiest moments. He is the God who sees.
15: God Keeps His Promises But Not Always Like We Expect – Genesis 16 Part 2
God always keeps his promises. You can depend on that. But how he keeps those promises is sometimes surprising. When I was studying Genesis 16 for this episode, God reminded me that His plans are not my plans. He is God and I am not.
14: God’s Promises Are Always True and Never Late – Genesis 16 Part 1
Have you ever had to wait for God’s promise to come true? Maybe you’re still waiting. That space of waiting can try our faith and send us into the depths of despair or maybe “I’ll help God” action mode. Our episode today begins a new series from Genesis 16 that reminds us to trust that God will keep His promises.
13: Step Away from the Merry-Go-Round
Rest isn’t a regular rhythm of our 21st century American culture, unless you count our devices. We recharge our phones every night, and regularly reboot our computers, but rarely do we get enough sleep or rest to recharge. In this episode, we’re looking at God’s perspective on rest found in Genesis and Exodus. It might surprise you.
12: Easy and Light — Jesus’ Gracious Invitation Part 3
Being a good Christian can feel like you’re carrying a ton of bricks—it’s overwhelming, exhausting, and nearly impossible. What Jesus said in Matthew 11 about his yoke being easy and his burden light may not mirror your experience, and for years it didn’t mirror mine either. But today, I live in the truth of those words. And so can you.
11: Take My Yoke — Jesus’ Gracious Invitation Part 2
When we feel anxious and exhausted, we want to escape and make it all go away by attempting to fill our lives with pleasures that may temporarily make us forget, but don’t actually bring us rest. In today’s episode, Jesus has a different recipe for rest, but it sounds like Jesus is inviting these worn-down, worn-out people to do more work. Keep listening, because things are always what they seem.
10: Come to Me — Jesus’ Gracious Invitation Part 1
At the moment, my life is full of invitations and expectations—from responsibilities, things I’ve committed to, people around me in addition to my own often unrealistic expectations and goals. How can you find rest when you're exhausted?
9: What Are You Waiting For?
What are you waiting for? Most of us are waiting for something. In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about how to patiently wait even if you don’t know exactly what you’re waiting for.
8: How to Respond to the Unexpected and Unknown — Luke 1 Part 3
Life is filled with times when things don’t seem to go like we hoped or planned. Mary the mother of Jesus knew all about unexpected and life-changing news. But wait! This isn’t just about Christmas! Mary’s response sets an example for us to follow every day of the year.
7: Don’t Let a Life Crisis Become a Crisis of Faith — Luke 1 Part 2
Life is filled with times when things don’t seem to go like we hoped or planned. Mary the mother of Jesus knew all about unexpected and life-changing news. But wait! This isn’t just about Christmas! Mary’s response sets an example for us to follow every day of the year.
6: God’s Devoted Followers Don’t Always Trust Him — Luke 1 Part 1
Knowing God and serving God are not the same as trusting Him. Even His most devoted followers can find themselves uncertain and doubting. Supernatural situations require supernatural faith.
5: Three World Leaders Prepared the Way for Jesus
Who prepared the way for Jesus? Your first thought may be John the Baptist, and you wouldn’t be wrong, but God was making preparations hundreds of years earlier through political rulers who knew nothing of his plans.
4: A Psalm of Thanksgiving to God
Giving thanks to God shouldn’t be limited just one day a year! Some scholars say one of the Psalm 136 was sung every day in the temple. Find out what it meant to ancient Hebrews and what it means to us today.
3: Moving Beyond Fear to Live Free — 2 Samuel 9 Part 3
Fear is not God’s plan for us. If fear is a part of your life, listen in to hear how you can live in freedom. Part 3 of 3 based on 2 Samuel 9.
2: God Can Restore What Is Lost — 2 Samuel 9 Part 2
God extravagantly restores what a hopeless orphan lost. Part 2 of 3 based on 2 Samuel 9.
1: When You’re Invited to Trade Shame for Grace — 2 Samuel 9 Part 1
The true story of the son of a prince who comes an orphan and a loving God who offers grace to one who feels worthless. Part 1 of 3 based on 2 Samuel 9.
Welcome to Insight and Understanding Podcast
Have you ever read the Bible and felt like you were missing something? The Insight and Understanding Podcast, connects characters, locations, and cultures of the Bible so 21st century listeners can understand what ancient hearers knew.